Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sharecropper Video Library

This Playlist Grows as New Video Segments are added Regularly

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sharecropper Christian Radio Random Segment 5

Jonah (ever devoted) and Sophia (still stringing him along) enjoy listening to this segment of Sharecropper Christian which features a testimony of supernatural healing from high blood sugar, a commentary on native spirituality from native leaders, and the music of independent artists on Sharecropper Christian Radio which streams 24/7 at www.ShareCropperRadio.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sharecropper Christian Radio (random segment 3)

Enjoy the peaceful interactions of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah (who are unfortunately separated at the moment due to domestic violence) while listening to a random segment of Sharecropper Christian Radio featuring a selected Bible reading, a Dorcas Network commentary (Christian response to domestic violence), the music ministries of THE FAMILY TRADITION and the PSALM RIDERS, and a dramatized Bible story. Listen 24/7 at www.ShareCropperRadio.com

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sharecropper Video 1 (Miraculous healing Testimony)

Recorded Segment of Sharecropper Christian Radio featuring Jonah and Mrs. Jonah, a Bible Reading, a commentary, Testimony of Butch Watkins miraculous healing when he destroyed his kidneys by drinking anti-freeze in a suicide attempt, and the anointed music ministry of Tom Beam

Monday, June 2, 2008

Updated Music Submission Guidelines

We air music by Christian artists from a broad spectrum of denominational affiliation or lack thereof.

We do not air music from artists or groups that promote or are affiliated with Prophetic Ministries, who practice and promote Contemplative Spirituality (Christian mysticism, meditation, the Silence, Practicing his Presence, etc.) or any aspect of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven agenda.

Our research on these subjects can be viewed at: http://hungryheartsministries.com/

If you own the rights to your music and would like airing time mail us:

1.) Your CD('s) and Photo(s) (non-returnable)
2.) Written permission to play your music and post your images and photos on our websites and blogs.
3.) web address to your official website(s) and/or blog(s)

Hungry Hearts Ministries
P.O. Box 1954
Auburndale, FL 33823

Want even more visibility on Sharecropper (always FREE)? Subscribe to Sharecropper from this blog to learn how: http://sharecropperradio.blogspot.com/