Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Time And Season

I got an email from my brother in Ireland. He was telling me about an idea he had to do a large festival event to help the needy in this world. Now I think that is a wonderful idea, and I would most assuradly help in any way I could, but I think of the backlash that would come, not from the secular end but from the 'so called Christian folks'. You see there are those who would want all the glory for themselves , without pointing the way to Jesus. You see this wonderful thing could get lost in the commercializm of Christiandom.
I find myself becoming more cold towards my 'brothers and sisters' for their self appeasing attitudes. It's really about me,me,I,I. Let's see how much stuff i can get, that will make me look better to my friends. Let me put on my religous coat before I go parading around in public for all to see.
Of all this I find myself repenting more and more. Forgive me Lord!
True Christians are being about the buisness of the Father, not working themselves to death becoming a part of the congregational many.
Now I know this Brother who sent me the email, has a desire to do all he can for Jesus. I know this as well as I can for not meeting him personally,but only through emails. And if the Lord has placed it upon his heart to bring this event together, then He will provide all!
I believe my Brother will do what he will do, and I will be here to help in any way I can, but Jesus is the one who can do it all.
Rock On!

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